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Headway Clients Speak About Their Neurofeedback Experiences!

Thank you Jennifer, Camille, Dolores, and Debbie for sharing your wonderful and inspiring stories with the world. It’s been such a pleasure and an honor working with you all! – Michael Meuth L.Ac. ACN

Neurofeedback Testimonials

Made a HUGE difference in 4 sessions


Headway Health and Michael Meuth are great. We are really impressed with the benefits of the neurofeedback. Our son was having some issues with over-anxiety, and some compulsive behaviours, e.g., washing hands many times per day. Made a HUGE difference in 4 sessions. Now it's not a noticeable problem! After seeing it firsthand, I'm convinced this form of mind-training is extremely valuable, and Michael is an experienced and caring practitioner.

Nic R. Software Engineer (Austin, Texas)

Mental Health and Memory


I have received 10 brain training sessions and without a doubt, can say that it's made a positive difference in my daily life. I sleep more restfully, short-term memory has improved... It's easier to remember names and where I put my keys, for example. When I read, I remember more of the story, so my concentraion has improved as well.

This is a fantastic tool for increasing my mental health. I highly recommend it and plan to continue receiving training. Michael is a pleasure to work with. Thank you, Michael. 🙂

C.S. Licensed Professional Counselor Lakeway, Texas

I Love how I can literally feel my brain adjust during the sessions...


Not only do I trust Michael with my health, the brain training sessions are fantastic! I love how I can literally feel my brain adjust during the sessions, and feel calmer after each one. They are relaxing and go by fast! The acupuncture helps expedite healing and is a great addition to the sessions. I look forward to it every time! Lastly, his knowledge of herbs, medicine, you name it has helped tremendously with the process, as well.

Ashley V. Elementary Teacher Austin, Texas

Happier and More at Peace


I really can’t help myself; I want to let all my friends know about this opportunity because, as far as I can tell, the time is ripe for so many of us to leave the past behind and create new pathways of ease and joy in our lives, in so many different ways. I love Michael's approach: it’s such a direct and core level way to naturally heal and expand ourselves. I feel happier and more at peace then I can ever remember feeling, especially for a long period of time. It’s truly wonderful.

Laurel Emrys Musician

Energy, Negative Thoughts, and Quality of Life


I had been in a funk for awhile. Very low energy and stressing out about many things that wouldn’t typically stress me. I started seeing Michael and went through 15 sessions of neuro feedback. I’ve been done with my sessions for several weeks now, and my energy and overall well-being is so much better. I have moments of intermittent stress, but the constant obsessive negative thinking is gone. I am so thankful for his services and drug free approach to health!

April Bartsch

Fear, Anger, Focus and Poor Sleep


Throughout my life I have struggled with a degree, which has varied extremely, of emotional “unwellness.” I have sought out help for these challenges, trying to keep an open mind to holistic approaches, medicinal approaches, physical activity, nutrition, acupuncture, massage, support groups, therapy and finally, NeurOptimal therapy. Some of my challenges have been reactivity, impulsivity, addiction, distracting, living inside my head and outside of the truth, fear, PTSD, restlessness, sleeplessness, extreme pms and poor self care. Needless to say these challenges have often made it difficult to achieve emotional stability and have affected my personal relationships, particularly in my adulthood. I have seen a great amount of positive change in my life over the years as a result of staying diligent in “getting better.” On some level every attempt through every different avenue I have taken to remedy some of these things has given me a measure of relief, some more than others. At some point it was made clear to me that my brain was reacting and going down pathways it had traveled for years, and as a result causing me some troubles. I felt powerless to some of my thoughts and behaviors. I sincerely wanted to handle situations with grace, patience and understanding. After having a rough emotional day(s) and that affecting myself and others I would often have remorse and guilt and question why I would go to certain places and certain behaviors. NeurOptimal brain training and coaching was recommended to me several months ago. And although I had no idea what is was about and what it would do I remained willing and opened to suggestions. I am very pleased with my experience thus far with Michael and NeurOptimal. I have seen a considerable shift over the months of working with him. My concentration has been much better. I am able to read more, finish tasks and projects that I would have once not completed. I no longer take certain medications that were prescribed to me for mood stabilization and I feel very happy about that from a personal belief standpoint. I have gone from reacting to everything, sometimes with anger and/or fear, to responding to things after pausing before doing anything else. This is probably the biggest change I have seen and its had the greatest positive impact on my relationships. I am also sleeping much better which makes it easier to practice self-care. I started incorporating meditation into my life a couple of years ago and since doing this brain training the meditation has become easier to do and I can sit for longer than before. I have also been able to identify more quickly when my mind is in a delusional trance and/or when I am hormonally challenged and take affirmative action to treat those things with care. The beauty of NeurOptimal training is that I don’t have to do much besides show up, sit down and relax while listening to some wonderful meditation tunes. I have left each session with Michael feeling better than when I came in. Besides the brain work that has enhanced my life, working with Michael has also done so. He spends time talking to me about what we are doing, the changes I have seen and just ordinary life stuff. I thought I would give the NeurOptimal training a try and now I consider the sessions an integral part of my self-care plan.

Shanna G.

They really do make a difference.


Michael helped me more than any of the 4 traditional doctors I had seen. Michael was supportive and positive and with his whole-body approach I learned practical tools to heal myself. I am so grateful I had someone like him to help. The NueroOptimal Brain Training sessions were great and I'm still looking forward to them in the future. They really do make a difference.

Mari R. Artist Austin, Texas

The Best Hack Yet


Dave Asprey is one of the leaders in the field of "biohacking", a study and discipline that seeks to optimize one's performance by upgrading the physical and mental environment. Dave's company hosts the Bulletproof Conference featuring the top technologies available for reaching potential. NeurOptimal is the only system that takes the honor of being featured at the conference each year.

Dave Asprey Biohacker & Host of Bulletproof Radio

It gives me drug-free, relaxing relief...


I have received many NeurOptimal sessions from Michael along with his supportive coaching for anxiety, related to general life issues and exam performance, and it gives me drug-free, relaxing relief. I have learned to include these in a regular self-care routine. Best investment for brain/mental health.

Rita T. Acupuncturist Austin, Texas

I endured a very painful biopsy in a medical facility a few months ago. The biopsy was positive for cancer. Because of this, I was frequently in medical facilities and often having to go through uncomfortable procedures such as frequent lab, then surgery, etc. Each time, I felt my anxiety increasing and told my radiologist that I thought I had PTSD due to "my biopsy from hell". She felt I would need anti-depressants as well to deal with my anxiety. She encouraged me to see my GP for a psych referral ASAP. I made my appointment to see my GP but, in the meantime, I started checking alternative treatments. Found Headway offered neurofeedback for PTSD and that there was an office very near me. Had my first treatment the next week. I enjoyed it so much that I purchased a package. Have continued twice a week treatments and soon noticed I was having less and less insomnia. Also, my quality of sleep improved greatly. I hadn't felt this well in a long time. I cancelled my GP appointment. My anxiety continues to improve. I'm so happy I found this type of therapy. It has made such a positive impact on my life and well-being.

Rosie Williams

Depression & Antidepressants

I just got off my anti-depressant medication when I started the brain training. I had pretty bad withdrawal effects (brain zaps) that would make me very irritable, sometimes agitated. The biggest and most immediate change I saw with the brain wave optimization program was after three days of the training my withdrawal symptoms disappeared! This is what really convinced me that the program legitimately works and is not some gimmick. My depression is still present, but I would say that I have been avoiding my responsibilities and uncomfortable situations less. I have become calmer in stressful situations with overall less intense/extreme emotions.

Michael J.

PTSD and High Anxiety

Neurofeedback has been a miracle for my son. He suffers from PTSD and high anxiety. He now is able to do things on his own, without fear. He is able to read and retain what he has read. His tantrums are fewer and farther between. He is happier and less angry. I love the effect it’s had on him and will tell all my friends about it. My daughter is doing the training too. It is helping her with anxiety and being socially able to be around people. It’s just amazing!

T. F.

Improved Mental Outlook and Reduced Stress

Michael is absolutely wonderful! He is knowledgeable, compassionate and a true healer. This was my first experience with neurofeedback and I love it! I also highly recommend the neurofeedback/acupuncture combo. Wow!

Lee D.

The staff is super friendly and can tell that they care. I’ve been using neurofeedback for about 2 months and have noticed a subtle positive shift in my focus, energy, and anxiety. I find myself spending hours in front of my computer without multiple breaks. I’ve had 12 sessions so far, and I’m going to continue using this technology. You have nothing to lose because it only is able to benefit you and not harm you.


I had struggled sporadically for many years with PTSD and anxiety before I reached out to Michael at Headway Health. Feelings of impending doom and isolation in my own head would bubble up until I would have a panic attack. These attacks would go as quickly as they came, and I would tell myself that I was strong and could mitigate them without help, but over the years their frequency and intensity grew until one episode left me pretty shaken for days. I had to do something. I found Michael through a personal referral and called him immediately. To my pleasant surprise, he took almost 20 minutes to patiently listen to me on my intake call. Even through the phone, it was easy to tell his demeanor and energy was calm, soothing and healing. I signed up for NeuroOptimal neuro feedback with him and began noticing immediate results. For the last few years a simple image or sound was a possible trigger for my anxiety but through the treatment, I was given the tools to process things in a healthier and more stable way. I completed my treatment and it has been a few months since the last one. I am extremely happy to say that I have not had an attack/episode and I feel confident in my ability to deal with any curveballs that life throws at me in a healthier, more rational way and not fall into a downward spiral. My time with Michael was such a positive, uplifting experience and I recommend him and his services wholeheartedly. With much gratitude... -Michael Finn

Michael Finn

Healing depression, anxiety, antisocial behaviors, stomach illness and insomnia

My 16 year old son has seen great results after a series of sessions with Michael at Headway Health. Before the treatments my son struggled with depression, anxiety, antisocial behaviors, stomach illness and insomnia.We have spent the last 4 years on a quest for healing and have been to numerous doctors, tried different treatments, and put on lots of medications. The 30 minute neurothereapy sessions have been very helpful and healing to my son. We have seen improvements in all the areas he struggled with. Michael is very compassionate and dedicated to helping his clients heal holistically. I would recommend his services to anyone that is looking for alternative healing.

Jessica Vinson

I have been receiving neurofeedback for a month now. Before I started, I was experiencing a lot of symptoms of stress and anxiety. I was having problems sleeping and had lost weight in a short amount of time. After only 2 sessions, not only was I able to sleep through the night but have been going into a deeper sleep. I have also gained the weight that I had lost back! I look forward to my sessions and can’t wait to see what other benefits I gain.

Sulene M.

Better Sleep and No More Panic Attacks

After doing the brain training, I now sleep through the night (most of the time), I have no more panic attacks, the depression is mild and seldom, and I can usually concentrate very well! I think about one thing at a time, and get things done much more calmly.

Donna H.

From Overwhelm to Calm Clarity

I was skeptical about neurofeedback at first because it was such a new concept to me. Being so exhausted from stress and the pressures of owning a business as well as caretaking for an ill family member, I was willing to try anything at that point though. ONE session was all it took me to start to feel calmer and have more clarity. After the series of sessions in the package I purchased, people around me were saying, "what are you doing differently? You are so happy and easy going lately." Michael is professional and his treatments are effective. I have also benefited from acupuncture and some of the supplements available at Headway Health. Patient for life!

Allison T.

I have had great results from neurofeedback. Since I cannot take any of the antidepressants, and choose not to take anti anxiety medication, I put a lot of hope in this process. I was very surprised that I felt better right from the start. As I had several treatments, I realized that I was not experiencing obsessive thought any more. As negative thoughts would come into my mind, I alerted to them and changed my focus of attention. I recommend Headway Health without reservation.


the best I could imagine

spiritual guru

Workaholic Tendencies

The Brain Training was very relaxing. It has helped me most by reducing my workaholic tendencies. Instead of overextending myself to do things that really are not important, I am able to focus on what is in front of me and what really needs to be handled. I’m going at a slower, healthier, less stressful pace. I’m more present and able to make better decisions as well as take time to smell the flowers. Thanks, Michael!”

Emily S.

Acupuncture & Nutrition Testimonials

Chronic Pain


I highly recommend this place. Michael can provide drug- free alternatives for health and chronic pain. He is very knowledgeable in holistic alternatives, a great listener and really cares about your health concerns. Lots of good works going on at this place and very affordable.

Brandi Duncan



After an ectopic pregnancy, several rounds of tests and inexplicable results, I contacted Michael in the spring of 2010 with lots of questions, desperate to have a baby. Michael helped me balance my life and my inner health using natural supplements, meditation and acupuncture. Several months went by and I still wasn't pregnant, but Michael explained to me that I shouldn't expect it to happen right away and that he was confident I would be pregnant some day. I expected my treatment to go on for at least a year, but just when I was about to give up, I found myselt pregnant. I was still doubtful that it would work out, considering everything I'd been through before, but I continued to take the supplements and practice meditation and saw Michael when I needed some help. Finally, on April 18, 2011, I gave birth to our beautiful baby girl. Weighing in at a healthy eight pounds, ten ounces, Sophia Grace is everything my husband and I prayed for, and worth all the dedication to the program Michael developed for me. I'm greatful to Michael for his confidence in me and for remaining positive through the entire experience.

Rebecca D.

Sciatic Pain

When I first came to see Michael, I had severe sciatica with tingling and numbness down to my foot making it difficult to walk and sit worsened by low back pain. I was miserable. After seeing Michael for a few weeks of acupuncture and food supplements, the pain virtually subsided. I was thrilled! I was able to get back to my active lifestyle. My thanks and gratitude to you Michael for guidance to my healing.

Dr. Tina B

Weight Loss & Food Cravings

After six weeks on a nutrition program I realized that I was not having food cravings, I had lost 14 pounds, and my bowel movements had returned to normal. Additionally, my energy is up and even my mobility is better.

Margaret L.

Overcoming Fear and Sadness

Now, things are fantastic! I feel calm, balanced and not as afraid of the unknown. I am able to use tools I learned here to say “no, no, no” to any distorted thoughts that try to sneak in (lately that has been none). My eating habits are better, I feel I have more energy and it is like having the sense that I am allowed to try anything. I am not afraid – or sad – I feel good. Staying with the acupuncture and changing my thought patterns supported me through it.

Susan W.


When I first came to see Michael, I was not having regular cycles. In a few months I was pregnant with my first child and was over the moon excited. Now, two years later I have a healthy, happy, beautiful, and very active two-year-old little girl, that I lovingly refer to as my “acu- baby”. I am so delighted and grateful to Michael and acupuncture for helping me on my journey to become pregnant and have a healthy child. I continue to refer Michael to all of my family and friends.

Candace P. ... Real Estate Agent

Colitis and Pain

If your medical doctor is not solving all your issues, go see Michael. I was diagnosed with colitis, but after three or four months of taking medication and still experiencing pain nearly every day, I set up an acupuncture appointment out of sheer desperation. Now four months later, I rarely have any flare-ups, I am feeling 100% better physically and emotionally. Michael helped me change my attitude about my health and most importantly my diet. He taught me exercises to aid digestion which help immensely. Right now thanks to Michael, my goals are to reduce my medications and eventually with my doctor’s supervision, eliminate my medications completely. Michael’s acupuncture treatments and holistic advice gave me my old life back. Thanks Michael!

Jennifer M.

Improved Mental Outlook and Reduced Stress

Michael is absolutely wonderful! He is knowledgeable, compassionate and a true healer. This was my first experience with neurofeedback and I love it! I also highly recommend the neurofeedback/acupuncture combo. Wow!

Lee D.

Flu / Pleurisy

Just writing to let you know all my flu/pleurisy symptoms are already, just 48 hours later, pretty much gone! Pain, 99% gone; shortness of breath, 99% gone. Although it may have been acupuncture induced endorphins, I was already feeling remarkably better just from the time it took me to walk out your office door until the time I reached my car in the parking lot! I would highly recommend your services to anyone.


From Overwhelm to Calm Clarity

I was skeptical about neurofeedback at first because it was such a new concept to me. Being so exhausted from stress and the pressures of owning a business as well as caretaking for an ill family member, I was willing to try anything at that point though. ONE session was all it took me to start to feel calmer and have more clarity. After the series of sessions in the package I purchased, people around me were saying, "what are you doing differently? You are so happy and easy going lately." Michael is professional and his treatments are effective. I have also benefited from acupuncture and some of the supplements available at Headway Health. Patient for life!

Allison T.


I went to Michael because of migraines. I haven’t had a migraine since. Michael is a caring individual that takes time to listen and help with the symptoms that you are experiencing. I highly recommend Headway Health!

Lori M.

Weight Loss and Increased Energy

I now have incredible energy, a more calm approach to life, little to no sweet tooth, and I have also started to lose weight. It is amazing all the changes I have seen since I started my acupuncture treatments with Michael. I am looking forward to continuing this journey with him as we continue to find the balance I need to maintain my best health.

Nicole S. ... Teacher

Pain and Vitality

As many people are, I was skeptical that acupuncture would be effective in treating my chronic neck and shoulder pain. I didn't want to go the surgery route, I had been there and done that ten years ago.
After suffering for months I contacted Michael Meuth as a result of a business card that had been passed to me. I am so glad that I did. The treatment that he provided to me encompassed multiple techniques that restored me to full health. I resumed my normal activities and tackled a challenging year in terms of various life changes, including building a new home. I can tell you this, if you are contemplating this type of healthcare, Michael will look at you as a whole person. He will not just treat your symptoms, but will, with you, investigate and aid in treating the causes. His help in teaching me proper ergonomics for my work was, alone, worth the visits. His gentle and through approach is reassuring and collaborative in terms of your health and recovery. His treatments are soothing and healing and his affiliate associates highly skilled in massage therapy. Thank you, Michael. You took away my pain and restored my vitality and got me through a very challenging year. I have recommended your treatment to many people during the last year and will continue to do so.

Sherry Haskin

More Energy, Happy Outlook, and Weight loss!

Michael guided me through a 21-day cleanse. I had been a non-believer and tried it because I saw a family member's "glow" while she was doing it, and WOW! Not only was Michael there for me every step of the way, he has continued to send me useful information. I feel the best I've ever felt - more energy, happy outlook, and the weight loss was a terrific bonus.

Joanne P.

Bioenergetic Testimonials

Type II Diabetes Improvement


Michael is amazing and has helped me so much! I 100% recommend his services. The NES Health Infoceuticals have changed my life (literally) and are absolutely the most amazing biotechnology/health remedy that I have come across (and believe me, I have tried it all). Michael is a health superhero. Go see him - you will thank yourself later!

Barbara Marynowski

Improvements in Lyme's Disease and Chronic Fatigue

My first ten weeks on NES have exceeded my expectations, which were high after spending many hours researching it. I noticed improved energy and focus within days. That met my primary goal after 61/2 years of chronic fatigue from Lyme infection. Various “clearings” have passed through, none lasting long, and definitely letting me know the infoceuticals were having an affect. I’ve noticed being able to breathe deeper and stand straighter. Recently a small lump developed under where I had a squamous cell cancer develop last year (on the same spot I got the tick bite.). That has disappeared and I’m trusting it’s cleared the residual infection. Each scan has been revealing and informative. I’m eager to see what arises and unfolds next. After so many decades of trying to fine tune my diet and supplements, I’m thrilled to have help that goes beyond the biochemical approach and work on the biofield directly. Plus it’s so easy!

Jane L.

Improved Energy, Focus, Motivation, and Mental Clarity

Both of my ears were partially “plugged up” for at least a month, especially my right ear. My initial NES scan indicated that this was an area that was a priority for healing. After only 4 days of taking infoceuticals an incredible thing happened. I regained my hearing and discovered a mass of ear wax on the outer edge of my right ear! I was amazed. This has never happened before and I have had ongoing issues with my ears for many years. The infoceuticals were the key my body needed. I have had two NES scans. For the past two months I have been using specific infoceuticals based on the results of those scans. I have experienced more happiness, energy, focus, motivation and mental clarity. I have felt a gray cloud of sadness lift from my shoulders. I am getting more things done during the week, including projects that have been on my “to-do” list for awhile.

I am grateful to be able to participate in the truly incredible NES Health System. I am enthusiastically looking forward to regaining my health and vitality through NES!!

Lisa E

Neurofeedback Video Testimonials

ADHD and Focus Issues

Neurofeedback is a Level 1 evidence based modality for ADHD as approved by the American Society of Pediatrics. Level 1 is the highest level of approval and neurofeedback has held this status since 2012. Kids brains are so very resilient and NeurOptimal is a really easy way to help kids be at there best. Because the sessions are only 35 minutes long, kids usually have no problem at all sitting in the chair for the whole session. We have books, games and toys to entertain them.

Concussion and TBI Recovery

When the brain is jostled around in a concussion or traumatic brain injury, one of the most helpful things you can do for yourself is find out how to heal the physical brain. NeurOptimal is gentle but the affects can be powerful.

Pain, and the Effects of Radiation & Chemo

It is well known that those going through life threatening diseases fare far better if they can maintain a healthy outlook and a genuinely positive attitude. If your brain is flexible and resilient, your healing and recovery process can be a lot better.
