Balancing your brainwaves enhances the way your brain communicates with your body, which quiets the messages demanding more nicotine, alcohol, etc. When the neural networks fire with more efficiency, the addiction process is thereby disrupted. Brain training with Brainwave Optimization can eliminate most cravings, but not the habit. You always have a choice whether to smoke, drink, etc. or not. Our modality allows you to see and feel the reality of your choice much more easily, and brings a sense of balance when the thought crosses your mind, and that balance gives you a much greater opportunity to choose not to indulge.
Here are some important tools to incorporate in any addiction program:
Do not forget that you are human and that you should forgive yourself. Most people live day to day mentally beating themselves up and saying things to themselves that they would never utter towards another person. Stop that insanity, forgive yourself and then proceed!
Support Person
The decision to quit can allow uncomfortable emotions to arise. These are part of you, so embrace them. Ask someone who is available to you in the next few weeks to act as your sounding board while also providing encouragement when you need it, and always be honest with your support person.
Afformations are solution-oriented questions that you ask yourself. Ask questions such as “Why is it that my thoughts are consumed less and less everyday by smoking/drinking/etc.?”, “Why do I feel more centered in body, mind and soul since quitting?”, or “Why am I thinking more clearly than ever before?”. Afformations focus on positives and are designed to stimulate the mind to look for answers, therefore solidifying the newly imprinted patterns and neural networks in the brain, which change subconscious thoughts and behaviors.
Setting Boundaries
Set up contracts with other smokers/drinkers/etc. to refrain from indulging around you and to support you in your goals. When you make positive changes in your life, it will often leave others on the defensive about their own decisions. Don’t let this weigh you down and encourage them not to be weighed down; guilt is toxic in itself. When possible, stay away from those that do indulge (at least at first) until you feel more confident with your new health status.
Drink Water
Research has shown that being dehydrated causes cravings. Sip water or herbal tea frequently throughout the day. Drink at least half of your body weight in ounces every day. Example: If you weigh 160 lb. you should drink at least 80 oz. of H2O daily.
Refrain from Drinking Coffee (I know, I know)
Research also shows that coffee causes cravings and dehydrates the body. Try Yerba Mate if you need that boost in the mornings.
Food Choices
Eat a lot of carrots, celery and other vegetables throughout the next few days, as these will help restore the bodies nutrients. Avoiding candy is wise; sugar upsets blood sugar levels, which can aggravate smoking-withdrawal symptoms. Sugar substitutes such as NutraSweet are sweeter than sugar, are often known carcinogens and cause further sweet cravings/addictions. Carbohydrates should also be minimalized as they too create blood sugar imbalances (that last longer than those caused by candy). Drinking fresh squeezed vegetable and berry juices is super cleansing and very hydrating.
Managing cravings
Cravings feel like they will last forever but actually fade in two minutes. Plan what you will do during a craving. Examples: Take your herbs; use your afformation exercises; breathe deeply; walk to another place; sing a song; dance; jog; call your support person.
There may be a lot of triggers for you to desire another smoke/drink/etc. Indulging can act very strongly as a shield to insulate uncomfortable feelings and situations. For example, a new nonsmoker can feel vulnerable and confused when trying to handle a stressful situation. Other modalities can help too, such as acupuncture, Qi Gong or Tai Chi movements to help smooth out irritability and other stressful emotions.
Integrity & Determinism
We CAN stop! And we CAN start manifesting our own creations by being Certain of our strengths and Centered in our approach, which leads us with Integrity to Peace of Mind.